Without knowing the way that different shipping companies are progressing (or not) with their shipments, how can others hope to learn from them?

The United States Department of Transportation Maritime Administration released statistics last month showing the performance of "self-propelled cargo carrying vessels." Since the damage that befalls this class of vehicle might depend on their size and what they're carrying, examining these trends can be helpful indeed.

According to this information, the fleet that saw the largest amount of deadweight was Sierra, while some of the bigger players when it came to gross tonnage were Alaskan fleets, four of which were shown to exceed measurements of 110,000 in gross tonnage.

Marine cargo insurance might be affected by the ways in which you travel and adjust your services after reviewing year-end figures like this.

The safety of cargo can be impacted by blossoming concerns: one case in New Jersey has shown us just that. According to Reuters, a shipment of more than 100,000 bananas has been detained in that state on a boat managed by Del Monte Fresh Produce. Due to timing and the ongoing legal problems, the bananas onboard have grown rotten. This is reportedly a more than a $1 million loss.

A boat insurance broker might  bring the importance of cargo insurance to light and give you a chance to take the care necessary to make sure that your good numbers go up. Shipping efficiency will continue to be a goal for many in the coming year, and this is the way to look at it.

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