April 2, 2014 / ROV

So many pieces are put into play when production outfits attempt to film underwater. Not only is there the camera equipment to consider, but any other special marine devices and precautions that might be necessary for obtaining the best images.

CNN recently chronicled its own efforts to get high-quality underwater footage, as the international concern over the remains of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 still dominates the news. The ROVs that the reporters from CNN discuss in this article were far away from the flight path of the missing plane, but what they saw proves the clarity that these efforts can bring.

On a ship called the Olympic Triton in the North Sea, the two reporters responsible for the article discuss what they saw. The Triton works to support different ROVs, and the description of the care taken in this kind of filming by reporter John Frater might also apply to the way businesses insure their vehicles, equipment and structures.

"Broadcast equipment and water don't usually go well together, and there was a danger that filming our underwater sequence would go wrong," Frater says. "Using the ingenuity of the ROV crew we securely attached our underwater camera to the arms of the ROV."

CBS has reported that it will be using other devices specifically to look for the data possibly left behind by Flight 370 if its remains are ever found.

The immensity of a search like this obviously requires remote devices to be in good condition. But smaller cases in more local areas also need adequate resources and ROV insurance that can be depended on as well.

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