What to expect at Oceanology International 2018

For marine contractors stationed in western Europe – or whose upcoming labors will take them to the other side of the pond – an annual gathering that merits a mention is just around the corner.

On March 13, London plays host to Oceanology International, one of the world's most reputable and well-regarded international gatherings in the marine industry. Professionals from a variety of sectors will be in attendance, with an estimated 8,000 expected to turn out from at least 79 countries. Additionally, 500 exhibitors will be on hand, promoting products and services for commercial divers, offshore engineers and ROV operators, among others.

"Oceanology International runs March 13-15 at Excel London."

Much like the waves of the sea, Oceanology International has ebbed and flowed since launching back in 1969, both in its location, its participating exhibitors and attendees. The growth in participation has spawned companion events, including the launch of Oceanology International China in 2017 and the Americas iteration coming in 2019, which will be hosted by the San Diego Convention Center. This year's three-day event is being held by Excel London at the London Docklands.

Why you should visit
Marine professionals understand there are no shortage of conference in a given year, spread out throughout the season both in the States and other parts of the world. But Oceanology International is unique because it draws exhibitors from all over the world. This gives business entities and professionals the ability to mix and mingle with some of the leading authorities in the industry and get their name out there by networking. It's also sponsored by household names like the Society of Marine Industries, The Journal of Ocean Technology and the Institute of Maritime Engineering, Science & Technology.

Technology is developing so fast that it's virtually impossible to keep up with the pace. At Oceanology International, visitors will discover some of the very latest in marine technologies, both that are in the works as well as what's commercially available.

"The technology involved with acquiring, transmitting and publishing marine data is changing rapidly as the community responds to a desire for receiving data in real-time, new types of sensors measuring new ocean parameters, as well as an ever-increasing volume of data from existing sensors," said Dr. Clare Postlewaite of the National Oceanography Centre.  "I'm excited to hear about some of these developments when I co-chair the Ocean ICT technical track session at Oceanology International 2018."

Many more speakers will be speaking about various topics that are germane to visitors' line of work, including Larie Stove, AquaMoor managing director, InnovaSea CEO and CTO David Kelly and Aquaculture Development officer Keith Jeffery. These ladies and gentlemen will dive into marine aquaculture facilities and how they stand to impact the offshore industry.

Products and tech gadgets aplenty
The intellectual tools are reason enough to be on hand for Oceanology International, but so too are the actual tools that are available for purchase. Over 500 exhibitors will be demonstrating some of the latest and greatest products that can enhance marine contractors and offshore project managers productivity. This includes instrumentation for commercial divers, such as pressure and temperature gauges, valves for subsea operations and hi-tech cameras for visual enhancement and sonar imaging.

Being a three-day event, it's impossible to take in everything Oceanology International will include. For a more detailed synopsis of can't-miss classes and speeches, head to the website and hover over "Conference" near the top of the page. Clicking on "2018 Conference Programme" lists the time for certain discussions and demonstrations and the rooms in which they're located.

There's lots to see and do at Oceanology International 2018. Here's how to register if you plan on attending. 

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