The western coast of Canada could offer more opportunities for commercial divers.

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Commercial diving contractors, like many others, sometimes need to go where the jobs are. As an article from California Diver asserts, this might mean moving to Canada for a variety of different jobs. One diving company professional, Rob Brown, said in the article that his business has been called on for different work, including salvage operations and aquaculture.

The second of these seems to be especially prevalent, as the western coast of Canada in particular opens up to more opportunities. DiveSafe International Director of Training Kelly Korol told California Diver about the changes in the British Columbian underwater environment. There's a lot of call for professional underwater work, which could also require contractors to investigate new, highly-tailored insurance options.

"The international market for urchins and geoduck is really strong right now, particularly with our low dollar helping with exports," Korol said. "Combine that with growth in construction, as well as weather-related damage repairs, and it adds up to a lot of opportunities for commercial divers."

alttextWestern Canada could offer new opportunities for commercial divers.

Last month, World Fishing & Aquaculture reported on Canadian political approaches to marine conservation. The Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers reportedly met to discuss ways to develop the underwater ecosystem, and possible ways to update the country's Fisheries Act. The Council reportedly wanted to address economic opportunities and environmental protections at the same time.

Whether they plan to protect the environment, support fisheries or help recover lost material, diving services may move into new territories up north soon. With new areas could come new levels of risk, so contractors may want to work with insurance professionals that know the industry inside and out. Generic policies won't necessarily cover the same types of work, and may leave divers with more concerns.

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