Do you have evidence generated from a particular accident that could go alongside the coverage policies you have? In addition to tugboat insurance, the operators and owners of vessels like the one that trapped Harrison Okene, the lucky survivor of a recent capsize that saw almost every other crew member drowned.

As Reuters reports, Okene was the cook onboard the boat that was flipped over and submerged. Divers who were exploring the wreckage assumed that everyone on board was lost, but the footage recorded by them, released by the Associated Press, shows how they reacted with shock at the sight of a living human's hand moving under the water.

The divers soon found that Harrison had managed to live because he was trapped inside of a small but breathable enclosed space that protected him from the water surrounding outside. Helped along by the divers, he was put into a harness and mask and escorted to a nearby submersible.

Although he was deprived of food and water and needed medical attention, it seems that Okene has recovered from the ordeal more or less intact, and describes his experience as traumatic.

"When I am at home sometimes it feels like the bed I am sleeping in is sinking. I think I'm still in the sea again. I jump up and I scream," he wrote. 

There are so many issues to unpack here, and different types of damage that marine crew insurance needs to consider, whether it's tangible impact to the hull of a craft or the less noticeable (but still as important) damage done to the health of a ship's crew.

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