Your business might have a general idea of the importance of commercial diving insurance, but it still might not completely hit home how necessary this is until it's too late and some major disaster presents itself. With some solid facts in mind, you might be able to realize what's at stake and how common accidents really are.
A new infographic from Fisk Marine Insurance International LLC can help put this into terms that are memorable and help you understand things more clearly. According to our information, three out of every 10 entering workers will be disabled at some point during their careers, and just a little over 30 percent of workers have the proper insurance policies to cover them if such a thing happens.
What's more, the average disability check barely gives its recipients more than $1,100 a month to live on. When accidents of different kinds can be extremely common and pose very basic operational hazards to your workers, that seems like more than an inconvenience: it's unacceptable.
Fortunately, the menu of diving insurance policies that Fisk Marine Insurance International offers can help your business provide adequate coverage to all of its employees, no matter the area of expertise that you lay claim to. We have two and a half decades of experience, a range of options, and can lend our help to companies based almost anywhere in the United States.
In short, even though the potential for employee harm is high within the commercial diving industry, we can help fight against any feelings of being stranded, and let you pick the policies that will actually be useful.