Underwater Intervention coming up in February

The year is speeding to a close, and with it comes the need to plan ahead for future events that might be of interest for those who work with marine equipment and vessels.

The Underwater Intervention event is being held this year from February 11 to 13 in New Orleans. Interested parties might want to start planning right now in order to make sure they're prepared to attend. Anyone who maintains ROV operators or other kinds of aquatic technology might benefit from meeting with people who travel in similar circles.

Because this convention looks to attract so many different kinds of people across related but separate industries, it might seem like one of events that are too big to get any meaningful exposure out of.

But as the website describes, the different industries present could provide your company some new perspective on an important issue that defines your business, or might help you "cross pollinate" a little with others. And even if your business  doesn't have the history of convention attendance to inform your appearance there, you can pick up some pointers for future plans. 

The technical sessions include categories like marine education and different types of ROVs, as well as general insurance. If you're looking for advice and to connect with someone who has experience with ROV insurance, you might encounter them here and leave with a knowledge of related systems, like robotics, diving technology and some of the activities that remote operated vehicles are designed for.

Browse our site to find out more about these tools' uses before attending this or any other marine industry convention.

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