The many applications of an ROV

ROV's are important systems for marine work because they are so adaptable to different missions and situations. In addition to the familiar ways these tools are often used, to hold cameras, measurement devices and other instruments, new uses are emerging that ROV operators need to anticipate with the right ROV insurance.

An example of this comes from Allspeeds, which recently announced a new cutting tool for ROVs that interact with steel guide wires. In a press release, the company noted that this tool, the WCO30, comes in two versions, the WCO30D for high pressure environments and the WCO30DLP for low pressure. Because they are stainless steel, these tools are intended for what the release calls "severe working conditions" and allow ROVs the ability to easily cut ropes, wires and cables.

The evolution of technology designed for ROV integration is what drives the usefulness of these devices. An article from Offshore Engineer on the way ROVs have changed over the years quotes Per Thingstad, who referred to the inherent connection between what tools an ROV can hold and how useful these units can be.

"An ROV is only as useful as the tools it carries, i.e. the number and kinds of tasks it can perform. In the simplest case it may just carry a camera," he said. "More advanced vehicles may perform physical measurements or even do actual work." This was in reference to the earlier years of the ROV in the 1980s, before tools became a focus in 1986.

While the potential for equipping ROV's with different tools is great, workers need to understand the potential for these extra tools to be lost or damaged during use and take the right insurance measures afterwards. ROV operators insurance is also important for operations that take a prolonged period of time.

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