October 15, 2015 / ROV

In addition to covering all aspects of the ROV, including the tools it will use during operations, companies also need to pay attention to the reasons why ROVs might be more available in the future. As technology improves, the limits of what these units can do are expanding.

Mark Thomas of Hart Energy recently outlined the reasons why electric ROVs in particular continue to be valuable in underwater tasks. Here are a few factors that impact the rise of these units:

  • Deepwater efficiency: Compared to ROVs that rely on hydraulic power, an all-electric vehicle can be more reliable and easier to maintain for deepwater purposes, especially with a well-protected umbilical.
  • Flexibility: Thomas' piece quotes Ryan Lumsden of Sub-Atlantic, who referenced the evolution in what electric ROVs can do. "Electric ROVs have fast moved on from the days when they were basically flying cameras," he said. Over the years, Lumsden adds, "they have become much more sophisticated in terms of their capabilities and in more complex and challenging environments, with smaller units performing tasks previously completed by larger systems."
  • Smaller size: The same source notes the smaller size of electric units, which can not only make them easier to maneuver but easier to store and transport as well. When working with heavier substances, the emphasis on simplicity and ease of movement may give operators more assurance that a job will be performed without damage.

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