Galveston, TX, to continue with pier repairs

General marine insurance should be applied to important waterside structures and facilities as well as the people and vessels that rely on them. Keeping ports and facilities covered will help with necessary maintenance later, and that's what has happened in Galveston, Texas, as a Marine Link story from the beginning of this month describes. 

According to that source, Taylor Marine Construction, Inc., will begin improving structures in the Pier 19 area starting this coming February. Another firm, Texas Gulf Construction Company, Inc., is already working on repairing the deck of the pier and is on schedule to finish soon.

The contractors will receive a maximum payment of $190,000, and are just one of the candidates that previously submitted bids on this job. The Taylor project will specifically target the wood pilings on the pier. The City of Galveston recently secured $4.8 million in funds to help restore local beaches still suffering from the damage left by Hurricane Ike in 2008, including adding sand to create new shores altogether.

Even though the community has successfully managed to rebuild somewhat since the disaster, the effort has taken several projects to address, and an oil spill in the harbor reported earlier this year did the Galveston area no favors. Marine Link reports that the access pier will most likely be finished next week.

Long-standing problems with maritime structures have to be corrected so normal work can resume at the same pace as before. Construction projects especially bring with them contingent equipment and personnel that all has to function at the greatest level of efficiency so operations stay on course.

Depending on the most likely dangers, marine insurers can help businesses find a policy that keeps all vulnerable aspects of these facilities successfully covered and prevent possible future losses.

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