If you own a commercial diving outfit, you might encounter moments throughout the year when you get to rent out your equipment for special occasions, or see your employees used as instructors for such events. Even in an innocuous setting, a diver could be confronted with some unexpected calamity if not properly supervised.
Fortunately, calamity seems to have skipped over the recent underwater pumpkin carving contest held in the Key Largo area of Florida, as the Miami Herald reports. While it's hardly the first to hold this kind of contest in the country, the story mentioned that this particular carving session was also a means of teaching participants about diving, and incorporating the carving into certification practices.
Commercial diving insurance should be specific enough to account for all the different situations in which a company is, or isn't, liable. Though carving pumpkins underwater may sound relatively harmless, the fact that sharp implements and teenagers are involved could always lead to danger if handled improperly.
The actual carving activity took place 25 feet underwater and required competitors to work for half an hour to get the kind of design that would then be judged. There was a variety of different images reportedly on display as a result of the contestants' efforts.
Doing a project like this can see waste and destruction done to the surrounding environment if procedures aren't handled properly. Contract commercial diving insurance not just for what you're expecting to do, but what might be done in the future in different circumstances that could arise.