Earlier this summer, a cargo ship more than 1,300 feet long underwent repairs in a Polish dock. Thanks to the underwater repair company Hydrex, the operation didn't require the ship to be drydocked, which meant less inconvenience for the boat's owners. If diving companies have the right commercial diving insurance, they will be able to provide the best service to their clients and work around situations like this.

Marine Link reported on the repair operation, which required enough crew to re-seal three leaks in the boat's thrusters. Although the Hydrex employees created what is described as a "drydock-like environment," they worked both on land and in the water to address the issue and were able to replace the seals and test them for safety before the job was done.

Photos accompanying the source show the damaged seals, as well as the different technicians needed to perform the operation. The crew was able to operate on the deck next to the vessel, and remote monitors allowed the underwater divers to work while being observed.

Writing for Maritime Journal, Jake Frith writes about how this procedure is necessary to address problems in a ship that prevent it from docking or navigating successfully.

"Going to drydock is obviously not an option in such cases," he said. "Arranging the vessel to be unloaded at sea is an organizational and financial disaster for the owner. On top of this it does not solve the problem, because the damaged ship is still unable to leave its location."

For companies that offer this repair service, diving insurance makes extended work periods possible, so clients are able to pursue the most efficient repair procedures for their ships.

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