Falling under the category of "marine-related structures" are boat ramps. These can be as necessary for the loading and launching of commercial boats as anything else, and if your marine insurance doesn't take these important points into account, then there are some serious potential liability issues that you are opening yourself up to.

The Florida Times Union reported on instances in which damaged loading ramps in the Florida area have become a major cause for concern. Over time, these support structures can take on damage and eventually cost serious amounts of money to successfully fortify and rebuild. Some of the two dozen ramps in the area, like the Mayport ramp, are going to be redone entirely with the help of expensive rejuvenation projects.

Although things can quickly get out of hand this way, there's no reason that your company should wait until this part to take any action and do anything to successfully "prop up" your existing boat insurance coverage.

Consideration should be taken, too, as to what kind of vessels are intended to launch from the ramps that you erect. One of the sticking points mentioned in this article is the difference between the extra space on berths meant for larger boats and the necessary structures for smaller sporting vessels.

And while every port or harbor will have to think about erosion prevention, the location of your dock may be important: a new ramp in Michigan may have considerably different cost needs than one further south. Because of this, it's important that you partner with a provider of different kinds of custom marine insurance coverages that know their stuff. 


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