Crew from damaged Florida shrimping boat survive

A shrimp catching vessel known as the Sea King was recently noted to have been damaged and taking on water. While the crew onboard were able to get the assistance of the local Coast Guard in returning the boat to shore, the boat was still reported to be leaking, according to the Florida Times-Union.

The shrimp boat is so in danger of flooding that pumps are being used to try and empty out water and keep it afloat. Both the fishing boat insurance necessary to cover in the case of these events and the protection for extra equipment needs to be considered, and ongoing problems monitored for crucial details that could be come relevant later. 

In this case, the problems seem to have begun when the boat was miles off of the northeast coast of Florida, near Jacksonville. The exact location of when and where disasters occur is important for the insured and their providers to both remember, as they may be mentioned by different pieces of legislation (or not at all).

Containing these floods is important for obvious reasons, but the rescue effort can be an ongoing process that requires other parties to step in, whether they are federal, state or private employees. A lack of injuries is especially noteworthy when the crew is small, and even in the most controlled situations there might be potential for injuries to worsen.

As the Sea King is guided back, the owners of fishing companies can start thinking about ways to seriously invest in the sustainability of your operations.  

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