Bumps in the road for continuing Costa Concordia mission

This blog has covered many of the steps in the ambitious and much-documented Costa Concordia: when last we left it, the cruise ship had been successfully parbuckled and the captain was even able to revisit the site of the disaster.

Although much attention has been paid to the recovery effort and the fate of the wreckage, a recent mishap almost threatened the entire operation. According to Scientific American, one of the devices used to float the wreck ended up coming dangerously loose earlier this month, posing a threat to the process of salvaging the vessel.

The large float support, known as a caisson, detached, causing structural concerns for the ship and those managing the operation. Fortunately, the incident doesn't seem to have disturbed the process of propping up the wreck and crews were able to restore equilibrium.

The source quoted from a press release from the Parbuckling Project, which stated that a crane was used to stabilize the loose support.

The New York Times also recently noted the way this project has grown to encompass the town near where the wreck has been stationed, Piombino. In addition to the $1 billion that the owners and boat insurance companies involved with the Concordia have had to pay, the Times noted how that more than $150 million has been invested solely in the Piombino port.

This article pointed out that the final home for this abandoned cruise ship has yet to be located, seeing as the company behind the cruise ship has yet to determine this and probably won't start moving it until late summer or early fall of this year. However, the dismantling of the ship could be a lucrative prospect for whichever company lands the contract.

Massive projects like this affect not just the targeted craft, but the space where it is being worked on and the crew and facilities necessary to sustain it. Marine crew insurance may come into play for all workmen.

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