Are your vessels prepared for hurricane season?

Even with proper boat insurance, companies need to take certain steps to prevent storm damage from compromising their property. With hurricanes and tropical storms upon us, boat owners may need to both invest in the proper insurance and use common sense to keep equipment accounted for. 

Already, we've seen multiple events that have affected those who rely on boats for their livelihood. The Washington Post reported that the fifth tropical storm of the 2016 season could come weeks earlier than usual. Typically, this occurs at the end of August, but Tropical Storm Earl could buck that trend, forcing companies to be more prepared than they might otherwise be at this time of year.

There are two basic categories of preparation you can take to protect assets: physical storage and planning. Storage can include anchoring the boat itself and keeping an accurate inventory of all relevant items. Overseers should also pay attention to any nearby structures that could damage boats if knocked down by strong winds.

Planning includes having emergency procedures in place and keeping all records in a safe place, along with relevant contact information in case of emergency.

alttextPreparing for hurricane conditions can take multiple forms of planning.

Understanding the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's storm advisories will also help boat owners and operators take appropriate action when the time comes. The flags for a hurricane warning can signal storm winds as strong as 74 miles per hour or above, as well as rough waters.

With insurance for commercial boats, operators may feel less threatened by impending events. However, it's important not to wait until too late to secure the right policy, and it could be best to work with someone who knows what insurance works for each situation.

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