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Time that the vessels and equipment needed for professional fishing work spends both in and out of the water can see many dangers befall it.  With the shutdown of the federal government continuing indefinitely, certain services and provisions provided by the government to commercial fishing operations can be seen as even more crucial, and those with knowledge of fishing boat insurance may know whether they are protected in times of stagnancy.

As NBC News reports, the closing of non-essential government services is producing ripple effects for fishermen and others who turn to the sea for their livelihood. Without the proper permits, the source says, fishermen in Alaska are unable to begin crab harvesting during an essential time of the year. It's more than just a political annoyance: it's a potential waste of time and important resources for governments and fishing workers alike as crabbing organization executive Mark Gleason told the source.

"There are 80 boats ready to go," he said. "When they're sitting there tied up to the dock, they're paying moorage fees, paying fuel to keep their generators running, paying for labor, insurance, and food for the crew."

Costs like this can add up alarmingly fast, and when dangerous conditions arise while a ship is dry​-docked, it may be unclear who is immediately at fault and which parties need to foot the bill. Even if this is clear, the best course of action might not be. 

Because the consequences of lost time in certain fishing seasons could affect the economy in large ways, your business needs to be properly prepared and turn to the commercial boat insurance that keeps your best interests in mind.

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